Using a Template for Roku Springboard Screens

Springboard Templates may only be used in Roku channels at Update #520 or later.

A Springboard Template allows you to make changes in a single video item, and have those changes appear in all video items within the channel. Currently, Springboard Templates only affect Springboard button parameters.

Using a Template also allows older video items that do not support newer buttons to inherit newer buttons from the Template, instead of having to recreate the video item from scratch.

In order to use a Springboard Template, you must also be able to add, remove, and modify Springboard buttons. To do this, you'll need to set your Instant TV Channel Developer Mode to "Advanced" and enable Springboard button editing.

Enable Springboard Button Editing

  1. Click the Account link on the left side of the page to go to your Account page.

  2. On your Account page, change Developer Mode to "Advanced - Show All Parameters". This will cause the advanced parameters, which were previously hidden, to be displayed on all Instant TV Channel pages.
  3. Change Show Custom Springboard Buttons to "Yes - Springboard Buttons Can Be Edited".
  4. Click the green SAVE CHANGES button at the top of the page.
  5. After enabling Springboard button editing, you will see previously hidden Button parameters for each video content item.

  6. On the Content page, create a new video item at the top level of the content tree, for example directly below the top-most yellow folder. This video item will be the Template.
  7. Change the Template's DoNotDisplay parameter to "yes". This prevents the Template from being displayed as a video item.
  8. Modify the buttons in the Template to suit your requirements. Possible button modifications are:
    • Remove a button from the Springboard. This is done by clicking Delete on the button that you wish to remove.
    • Add a new button to the Springboard. This is done by clicking New on the bottom button in the list of buttons. The newly added button will appear at the bottom of the list. The new button's Action parameter is initially set to "New", which must be changed to any of the other available Action choices.
    • Change a button's action. This is done by changing a button's Action parameter. Depending on a button's Action parameter, various other parameters may be available to configure the button's behavior.
    • Change the on-screen button text. This is done by editing a button's Label parameter. This can also be done globally (to all similar buttons in the channel) using a Theme button label parameter, but only if the button's Label parameter in the video item still has its original value.
    • Change the order of the buttons on the Springboard. This is done by clicking the up and down arrows for each button that you want to move.

Final Step: Enable the Springboard Template

  1. Click the Theme link on the left side of the page to enter the Theme Editor.
  2. Locate the SpringboardTemplateEnabled parameter and change it to "yes".

If the Springboard Template is enabled:

  • The Springboard buttons in the template video will be duplicated on-screen for all other video items in the channel.
  • Any changes made to the Template video's Button parameters will apply to all other video items in the channel.
  • All Button parameters for individual non-Template video items are ignored.
  • It is not necessary to re-package the channel after making changes to the Template.

Want to know how to make a Roku channel in 5 minutes? Check out this Instant TV Channel Walk-Through!


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